Disneyland Is Just For Kids

Started by CafeFantasia, July 31, 2007, 03:30:26 PM

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Not my words, but someone I spoke to. Which raises the question, how do react, what do you say, when someone tells you "Disney is just for kids" and "you need to grow up"? Is it worth educating them that Disneyland isn't designed for toddlers? Discuss :-)


Well... I would absolutely explode... :evil:  not that that's the solution.
I would explain, in my own, quite agressive way that there is SO much more to DLRP and Disney than only attractions an fairytales for little kids... then I would continue to explain it to the ignorant fool, for about an hour or two... and if that didn't help and this person would still criticise Disney, I'd probably never speak to him or her again and I would wish him a very unmagical life and a painfull, slow death...  :lol:  no probably not that last thing but still, I would doom him :wink:  
Just the way I am with Disney, very protective, can't help it  8)
Ne cessez jamais de croire ... et, imaginez un peu! Parce que, c\'est là où les rêves deviennent réalité  

and always remember, if you can dream it, you can do it!


I would just ignore them, esprcially if they have never been to a Disney park.  Though if I was in the mood I would definately try and argue my case, sadly with some people however even when they go they see it through the mind of this place is just for kids idea.  

I got a shock the other day when randomly talking to a customer at work who said, well personally I feel Disneyland is more grown up and not fully for kids. :lol:

The Butlin Boy

I'd ask them if they'd put a young child on a ride like SMM2, Indy and RnRC :wink:


Often the kind of people who have this overly negative attitude towards Disneyland are:

- Cynical
- Miserable
- Very "grown-up"
- Interested in "cultured" holidays
- Close-minded

They're not necessarily all those things, but at least some of them :-) Often teachers and news reporters have this attitude towards Disneyland. They've never been, but they're absolutely certain it's a horrendous plasticky place, full of queues, junk food, fake buildings and fairground rides.


I get upset when people talk like that about DLRP, and I'll try my best to prove them wrong. Theme parks seem to be one of those things that you either love or hate :lol:


Quote from: "RnRCj"parks seem to be one of those things that you either love or hate :lol:


RnRCj, Disneyland is not a themepark, it's a lifestile!!  :twisted:   :lol: don't forget!;) but your right Alan, it are mostly people who don't really enjoy and let loose... they just refuse to relive their childhood and don't believe in dreams... ahhr the poor poor guys...  :roll:
Ne cessez jamais de croire ... et, imaginez un peu! Parce que, c\'est là où les rêves deviennent réalité  

and always remember, if you can dream it, you can do it!


Quote from: "Alan"Is it worth educating them that Disneyland isn't designed for toddlers?

That should be done by Disney himself by creating TV spots, where you can see Disney Village, Space Mountian, Rock'n'RollerCoaster, Tower of Terror and so on. But there's only commercial that shows Mickey Mouse. So, Disney should do something !


Parkfisch has a point there. If all you see is Mickey being cuddled by kids and not everything else, then they're not going to see what else there is.

However, everyone knows that I am a big kid who is longing to see Eeyore on my next visit. :D

I would say to this person, "Isnt life boring acting as an adult all the time? What do you do to relax n enjoy life? Of course you are entitled to your opinion..... even if you are a complete idiot and wrong!" :lol:

October 2001-Santa Fe
June 2002-New York
August 2006-Sequoia
October 2007-Sequoia
August 2010- Newport Bay Admiral Floor
August 2013- Newport Bay Admirals Floor
August 2014 - WDW! Art of Animation Resort
August 2017- Newport Bay Compass Club


Don't really care what everyone else thinks. Where else can you go where you can get up and go and see Belle everyday?


You can tell I'm feeling better, getting obsessed with Belle again.



Hi Alan - you know I don't think you truly know until you have been to DLRP how great it is. These people you speak of would try their hardest not to enjoy it if they did go - they would complain about the queues/the volume of people, the food etc. I suppose its just not for some people.

My husband, son (4 nearly 5) and I went for the first time in May this year. My little boy has had three ops this year, we have had a death in the family and my brother returned from America with serious problems. As soon as we arrived my heart felt lighter, cheesy I know but its true and my husband felt the same, and he is quite the cynic! Added to our joy was the face of our son Luke at the sights, particularly the parade, and he kept saying to us wide eyed, I can't believe Kinai and Coda (Brother Bear) are real ma! It brought a tear to my very sentimental eye!!

So  :)  if someone made these observations to me, I would say well - we absolutely love it - with a big smile on my face and leave them to it!!!!! They hate it when you don't rise to them you know!!!! :lol:
Emma xx


I have a very simple answer for people like this normally. I ask them:

Where in Europe can you have a meal at a 3 Michelin Star restaurant, have a straight razor shave in a barbershop, a message, a round of golf on a PGA Golf Course, fly in a hot air balloon, sail through a calm river, see hand made stained glass and tapestries, interact with state of the art robots, see a west end show, see stuntmen perform dangerous stunts, place yourself in environments that encompass the western frontier, the wilds of Africa, Asia and the Caribbean, and embraces the promise of the future. Explore the supernatural.  And there is much on offer for the whole family.

A place where they can learn about film making and animation, ride adreline pumping attractions, and witness the human characteristics of what makes Europe different and yet unites?

A place that in summer shines in lights, and in winter where you can ice skate outside.

A place where the young can act as adults, the not so young become kids again.  A place of miracles where disabled people forget their ailments, and the mute speak.

And all this can be done within 5 sq km just East of Paris.

And if they tell me they are going somewhere to lie on a beach, get drunk or go camping, I ask them what it is like to have a boring life.

And for culture vultures, I say that at DLP you can have all this plus history and culture - not just Paris, but Provins, Campagne towns, the Chateu, Aquariums, world class shopping and dining.
since 2001 (many before that)


Well if they think it's childish and disney then makes ads on T.V for the attractions in the park then they will start to notice that it is a fun themepark.
Take flight and embrace the disney magic forever!


I think part of the problem is people are expecting it to either be a kiddy place or an expensive version of Alton Towers, Walabi, Six Flags insert amusement park name here.

As we all know, it isn't.
since 2001 (many before that)